It has been an eternal dream for many 90’s kids to play “Yu-Gi-Oh!” with their monsters coming in real life to battle against other players. The idea in the animation is to use the futuristic gadget called “Duel Disk ” to generate the life-size hologram of the monsters to bring more excitement to the card game play.


How the hologram of the monsters looks like in the animation


In “BostonHacks”, a Boston University sponsored hackathon, Olaolu Emmanuel and Shahan Akhter came to make out childhood dream comes true.

image031 Olaolu Emmanuel and Shahan Akhter, the Developers of “Shadow Realm VR”


Their prototype, called “Shadow Realm VR”, is the technology consists of Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality Glasses), NFC (Near Field Communication) Tech, Arduino UNO R3, and of course, a plastic Duel Disk Toy!

How does the tech work?

The Arduino UNO R3 is a medium to translate the data from NFC Card Reader to a string which will then be transferred to the software that turns the strings value to match the programmed code of a specific card’s animation to be played on the Oculus Rift. For this purpose, an NFC chip is attached at the back of the Yu-gi-oh card to prove the card’s identity. The tech is then implemented to the Duel Disk toy to create the feeling of childhood dream!

Though they were very new to the software, it was incredible that they could come up with this trial and error in just a couple of hours. The moment they accomplish the task for the NFC chip to be read and display the animation on the screen was the best moment ever.

The technology has yet to be not well developed as this was created in 24 hours hackathon where time constraint is the key factor. However, it is very exciting to see the footage of the future where the dream is drawing near!


As an alternative to the Oculus Rift, there is also a developing HoloLens technology for Yu-Gi-Oh as well!

This technology will surely make a lot of money when it comes out, as the kids from that old days are now the adults who almost are able to afford the price of their dream!


Source : Upload VDR
Source2 : Major League Hacking

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